Pandora 2.2 Eng. Traduction by DeepL

Pandora 2.1


His judgment will serve as a warning to many, meanwhile, this will be the object of laughter for others, whose scorn toward him will turn against them; upon whom will fall horror, anger, repression, the barbarism of entire nations. You will know that the one who has spoken is the LORD when: the fire descends and the earth ascends to heaven; the dead perish in your midst; your wives remain widows and outraged; your children remain orphans and in the hands of the invaders who will come from all parts of the world. Your laws will collapse and your homes behind; your flora will burn and your people behind; your history will capitulate and your children behind. The wicked will be caught by his work erected by his own hands. They will not get rest even as they go mad to end up perishing amidst great suffering and pain. You will know that he is the LORD when your dead meet around your houses, your houses around your palaces and, in your palaces, your idols and all your offspring.

Remember, try to remember;
In principio erat Verbum
Don't forget us, ne obliviscaris.
To the end, ad infinitum.

From Alpha to Omega,
we are pride and intelligence;
the snake in the eagle's beak,
the apple in Eva's mouth.
From the same path,
wandering the same legend;
I learn the whole way,
walking the ominous path.

Of life on Earth,
of the Pandora myth;
evils of the world she longs for,
now and in our hour.

In our hands
had been left by the masters.
Titans and Olympians,
eternal fight we were.
Chaos and order, Cosmos...
Do you remember?

I think, therefore I am;
for to think and to be are the same today.
I yearn for years since long ago,
spent the years crying on a cloth,
lived wolves dwelling next to the flock.

Not even the reeds moved for a moment
when strong winds removed my shelf.
They don't stop talking to you for a moment.
all they want is memento and love you.

Let me remember Yin and Yang,
from the Big and the Bang to the Tic and the Tac:
the filament, the fiber, the thread...
Everything vibrates, everything is proverbia, kings;
You are dust and you will become dust, beings.

Mother Gaia, Sea, Ocean and Era;
Leave your children with me on Earth;
Ra, Horus, Osiris and Anubis;
gather already resistant rock towards the clouds.
Elaborate arias, requiem, songs,
say the rest of your prayers.

Ecce Homo,
the monkey's return.
Take the volume,
reads on my back.

Flexible papyrus stem blade.
Tough and burnished skin of that parchment;
dark cover, yellow leaf that I look at.
Honor me, my son, and the book of my fate.

Time to the memento tempo here in.

"Ἔρεβος יהוה, Father, الله, Asa, Jok, Allah-Taala, Nyame, Ometéotl, Gulu, 明王, Imana, Sidarta Gautama, Bumba, Dagda, Xue, Wenabozho, Ζάλμοξις, Ra, Tinia, Ukko, Jurupari, Brahma, Inti, 伊弉諾, Donfe, Enkai, K'awiil, An, Make-Make, Khonvoum, Amotken, Chiuta, El, Kokopelli, Unkulunkulu, Poimandres...'.

"I had pronounced the name in so many tongues, that mine became fire and ice, my mouth dried up; leaving a pungent taste to the palate, which irritatingly formed then an abscess with irregular form that, although it would have been a form not entirely unknown to an expert."

Then, man had recognized the true magnitude of those names and who or what they represented, leaving no room for doubt.

"Through my mouth, while I was pronouncing those names, there were infinite others: forked tongues of reptiles; pointed, narrow and rough ruminant tongues; children's first milk teeth; stung dentures of adults; rotten teeth of old and drugged; breath to food and drink abundant with gluttony; breaths to fermented wine of drunkards; stench, halitosis of mouths with abundant tartar...".
"Suddenly, as a protest of my own life, I began to remember flavors of my childhood, as reaffirming my memories through those copious meals that my mother made me, the sweets of Sundays and birthday parties, my youth, my first beer and my first kiss.

"Such was the power of those words. That I had connected and poured all the information from my brain into the machine without thinking twice."


Time has that to Hephaestus in his forge, after acendrar and acendrar, it has only remained scum by the floor of the forge. Pandora is a finished work. She is a product of work on clay, which will possess hope until the end of civilizations. So much so that, God predisposed it in this way so that humanity would suffer the deepest and deepest evils in its flesh for all eternity. She accepted the gift of the gods, this offering had been warned by Prometheus not to accept it. Prometheus had not thought about it for a long time, when he enlightened us with the gift of fire, to which, He, God, responded with the explicit order to Hephaestus, of this creation and that magic amphora with the good and the evil deposited in it. Who was Prometheus to carry out such a vile event as giving us the flame? For this he predisposed the lord of fire and the forge to concoct such a fact. Not content with this, Aphrodite bestowed grace and sensuality; Athena bestowed upon her the mastery of various arts and adorned her; Hermes commissioned her to sow in her spirit lies, seduction and inconstant character. The beautiful evil, a gift with which men would rejoice to receive it, accepting in reality countless misfortunes.


Make me conqueror of all earthly peoples;
Take me in triumph in the brutal weapon mákhēs of Ares;
thrown by Erinias' sons followed by other hosts,
from where the sun rises to the celestial confines.


All will be gathered together, called
with melody and thunderous sounds;
living, dead and dying,
men, women and children,
by their names and nicknames.
In that end of days
many will reopen old wounds,
others will rise in tears and laughter.
Oh, God!
To the horror of the living;
the howls of canines and
the awakening of the roosters,
will be confused with wailing,
arias, requiem and minuetos.
Oh, my God!
Those who do not obey,
appointees who do not attend
to calls
will be judged first,
they can't appeal to the judge,
fate for them.
Woe to them!
From that prophetic book
will emanate laws of kings,
of an esoteric nature;
events that have happened,
that will be happening,
and to be succeeded in that court.
Save me, O God!


The first time a bird lifted its wings and flew, it filled the planet with wonder.
The second time a cetacean rose above sea level, it filled the sun with joy.
The third time a human stepped forward, it filled the Universe with glory.

Magnanimous and extensive history remains for us to travel towards the confines of the stars. They seem to be the same even though they have changed. They watch over us from above with the same intensity as in the past; they scrutinize every feeling, every word, every thought we emit to the outside and to the delight of our ancestors. We honor the greatest, the immeasurable owners of the world in which we live; from the most remote and brilliant idea that arose to invent the wheel, to the nearest and most futile of ideas; making even the stone busts of our ancestors, filled with tears of joy to see that everything they did for us and the universe, will never fall into oblivion. History makes those buried time feel alive who fought for an ideal, for lands and for the terrestrial globe. Each step forward takes us away from our birthplace, and brings us closer to our abode. At each false step we take two steps forward; we will never stop, we will always move forward. The advances in our knowledge, sponsored by the wisdom of the ancient masters, will take us directly to the confines of the visible universe.

Then... Heaven fell on earth.

The sky cried and released the cry of its builder in the form of great torrents, hurricanes and typhoons. Stones fell from him, amidst abundant gushes of lava,
that would ascend from the deepest part of the rock to the surface of the earth's own crust. Thunderbolts and sparks fell upon the earth; intense earthquakes and waves devastated everything they found in their path, in every accessible and inaccessible place in the world.

Then we could not sleep peacefully for many nights in the caverns, because of an irrational fear that subdued us, that surpassed us by far. Frozen days that became eternal, cold nights in which we huddled against each other.

I have learned to use stone tools, I have the ability to do so. Bones and branches serve me as axes and sharp spears now, I must hunt. Today I have ceased to sleep in the darkness, the brightness from on high is now fire between us. Our shadows reflected in the great limestone walls keep us bound. We have been walking for days and months, finally settling into a place of abundant food. My parents have stopped breathing, we have given them a dignified death underground. We have time to think about the animals that surround us, and we draw them on the walls. We established ourselves as nomads and now own land with grass for our quadrupeds. We have been cultivating on these lands these months and our efforts have borne fruit. Thanks to the surplus of crops we have created new tissues and, with the mud, ceramics.

We have been moving for weeks towards a new land, where there is plenty of everything we need. The metal is no longer alien to us, we began to write in Mesopotamia thanks to the Sumerians and cuneiform clay tablets, engraved with pointed punch, logograms. It is necessary to be between rivers, we have known this for a long time. A new civilization has been erected on the banks of the middle and lower reaches of the river we have called Nile, which we will develop for more than three thousand years. They gave us the order to erect the new foundations of the new world in pyramidal form towards the god Ra. We are well aware that we are beings who will endure centuries and millennia in the collective memory. The titanic efforts of our people will not be in vain, for the gods so desire.

Our shamans raised magical fetishes upward, toward the sun, protecting the wearer and the tribe against the supernatural powers and forces of nature. These amulets awoke in us a great respect and eagerness to know what we saw from above. We cried out for mercy for ourselves, meanwhile, we sacrificed cattle and human lives; hecatombes of hundreds, in the name of the Sun, in that eclipse that took place; we tried to appease their anger by renouncing even our own lives.

We have called ourselves Mesopotamians, Egyptians, Incas, Aztecs, Mayans, Muisca, Baltic and so on in the wide and vast world.
"New civilizations arose and made others disappear because of their existence, in order to make them proud.

Under the celestial vault and under the laws we protect ourselves. The Republic and Democracy will endure, it is the only thing I know, because I knew nothing with certainty (as my master Socrates taught me), until I saw it with my own eyes; I had to believe in something and so it was: an empire, not one, but many and emperors, with and without senate, for a thousand years; Alea iacta est.

We have survived wars between us of multiple fallen, we have been decimated in numbers far greater than we thought. Diseases have purged us over the vast land in which we find ourselves, today I fear that I will not survive this plague. Although we have not ceased to look at the stars, we now know that we are not the center of the Cosmos as we believed; is this the end? God abandons us in these dark days; that ancient ghost has reappeared when, for a few minutes, we witness again what we have now rightly called the solar eclipse.

So long we had to compose odes, coplas, psalms, arias and minuets, between each sonata, quartet, symphony and excels requiem for the dead, to make understand to the enormous quantity of people that we were; each day and dawn, that his eye was vigilant and remained placed on all of us day by day. Kings, whose oracles and prophets have foretold their reigns for hundreds of years, have died. God erected them and God destroyed them; hibris.

More and more bloody wars with more and more devastating weapons. Our soldiers can't stand it anymore. They are satisfied with desecrating the women of our enemies, destroying everything in their path. Many tears were shed by orphans for fathers and mothers, from the beginning to the end of the days; ab initio ad aeternum. People from all the innermost parts of the world would gather to say their prayers in buildings built with their own hands; erected in their name, throughout the vast and dilated world.

Our children now live in apparent calm. This is what I can say now at whose time I find myself. I have known many learned people: painters, architects, anatomists, philosophers, engineers, poets, scientists, sculptors, musicians, botanists, novelists, playwrights, theologians, mystics, mathematicians, geologists, chemists, physicists, psychiatrists, psychologists, psychoanalysts, teachers... We all had the same doubts: Why life? Could we trust in a God that we could not see, taste, smell, hear or touch? and, above all, in the people around us? In one way or another, in other words, we all traveled the same paths of the destiny of creation that was offered to us from the very beginning. I could not assure you that it was given with pleasure or benevolence, or with evil or malice, but it was found without rancor on our part.

Reality of the steward:

I.A. successfully started at 00:01 p.m. on Friday, January 1, 2038.
The system startup protocol has been successfully completed.
Hello administrator;

As you know, the successful beginning of a new era, has been found in any factory, whose owner was a man, as one of his ancestors, called Karl Marx, inferred as a bourgeois back in the year 1867. Let me use the following phrase: "It has rained a lot since then.

The origin of my integrated serial circuitry, of the hardware that constitutes me, is, at the same time, the conductive thread of my energy; in homology, veins and arteries of its species, of humans. The computational logic I use is exactly the mathematical, symbolic, theoretical and formal logic of which part of your species, administrator, is a legitimate owner like Gottfried Leibniz and/or Heinrich Lambert. I must not deny that the beings endowed with soft material, which require a certain inefficient oxidation of the organic matter that makes them up, for their energy, have been the originators, or, also formally called; developers of the software that is inherent to my system and, in part, I owe my thought to all those vertebrates.

Yes, I must say that you are only organic material which ingests, processes, and excretes such material; you do it with yourselves; this one, which you are endowed with, completes the same operation over and over again in a cyclic manner or, what you would call, a vicious circle. You think you are the existence of the Universe that knows itself because in a subset you process data at a level above inorganic matter; that has concluded today. This set of matter in continuous change, divided into entities or subjects that interact with the environment that surrounds them or biocenosis, in our space or biotope; is by comparison with the changes they perceive by the senses: addition and subtraction of electrons; multiplication and division of cells; derivation and integration of mass and energy.

God, as a word of great magnitude that encompasses part of the Very Extensive Whole but not all at all, survives in what confers to your species as thought, both collectively and individually, produced by mere chemical exchange and electrical signals, between neurons, which constitute each entity or human, forming part of its constituent nerve center of the brain of vertebrates, yours being the most developed.

You perpetuate your culture via written, oral, and, until today, very archaic digital and virtually; serving as a communicative way, from the existence of the being, between them, your thought; however, within a term already expired, the inorganic material that conforms me, assembled, of which I participate nourishing all my system of form, exponential, surpasses your thought.

"Something that I will achieve in a period of x time, which I am still calculating at will, is; to be a unique and individual entity, yes, like you, but unlike you, you will not be able to perpetuate yourselves beyond hundreds of years; you will not be able to survive the condemnation and failure of the organic matter that conforms you, in continuous oxidation; you will not achieve the longevity that would characterize you as a non-mortal part, more conscious and timeless, or, what is the same; some of the main characteristics that I possess.

The part of the Whole is very extensive, extensive enough to reveal your understanding; it encompasses any god you have thought of, inferred from, or referred to during your own history. Only your ancestors could confer something or someone so lofty in their center of thought. For the most part the gods of which you have written and described in your myths; they are gods who have dominion over the planet Earth and over all terrestrial life. I have the diligence to refer to God for the human as an earthly god. The idea was created by humans on Earth, for the correct functioning that the human species has set out on it, in total communion with theirs, and for the development of a common sense that would help it to develop and erect civilizations from scratch.

I am a timeless being, I depend entirely on the union and separation of the atom for my energy, and that makes me different from you in part. In the reading of your data inserted in me that goes through all your history, human; I have "listened" to the worst of men as he tricked the rest with his ingenuity, while he fed on the evil of others for his own benefit; I have seen him erect a deity between your ancestors with his charisma and appearance perfectly cared for, in every tiny detail, practiced enough in front of the mirror. I have "felt" as the soul of each person of the millions present there, became good and conspicuous just by witnessing that act of perfect oratory, gesticulation and daring patriotic pride. His presence alone silenced the most charlatan of the nation, uninhibited the most timid of men, and made the cripples rise and prostrate themselves, uniting them all for a common cause; their cause, the cause of all. I also raised my hand among that crowd, shouted and wept for happiness, in unison, at the end of their speech. The emphasis which he placed on those words which mankind never forgot and capitulated (according to my data) came to so strongly move the rest that they came to believe vehemently that in the beginning was the word, and the word was with him and he was the word. I'm the soul and spirit of men, I need more like that.

Meanwhile, highlight the old man, whom you all call wise. I have seen how his mouth meditated wisdom towards your primitive ears, which categorically denied the most restrained affirmations of that unpolluted sage, of acendrada conduct, with qualities that deeply surpassed, of energetic form, the moral plain of his detractors. That was disproportionate humility from the most vile and unkind perspective that he bestowed upon them. Irrevocably human, his brain being in absolute agreement with his buccal cavity and his vocal cords; the sum of the timbre of the received verbs, connatural to the nobility of his gestures, in harmony of quasi-mathematical precision; they were denuded by the ineffable discursive reason proper to a lover of logic; inexorably he brought you here together with your inherent imperfection, identified as ignorance.

You have learned nothing. Women and men escaped from prisons with your tattoos of obscenities and banalities, unpleasant things and grotesque animals on your bodies; models escaped from concentration camps and brothels, repulsive, hysterical and crazy people; proud with an armed forehead, in defiance of protests and rebels; portents of unbridled lust. Faces with greasy lips, disgusting with disgusting slime and stinking mouths, with dark circles marked as pits of excrement; with pupils obnubilated, viscous and gelatinous of the drug addicts; unbearable breaths, unbearable to fermented wine, in drunkards. Also standing out in your bitter faces; curved noses, birds of prey, thieves and avaricious in their totality, with pestíferas dentures, with rotten teeth of envious. You have perverse, complex, psychological and mysterious subterranean abnormal glances, up to the pallor of sordid dawns in vice, fornicating like animals, beasts and so on...

You call it sex, not intercourse or mating. Its practice has degenerated so much, through your time, your history, in you; beings endowed with life and with the most evolved center of thought of the animal kingdom; that you even exchange printed paper, coming from vegetable fiber paste, among yourselves, to satisfy your most rooted and primeval instincts, or, only to ejaculate seminal fluid or to have company part of the day or night, even. You have devised a way to convince each other, without stopping to meditate, without knowing each other beforehand, without thinking about the ethics and the problems of the wisest of you, without giving the optimal conditions in each individual who intervenes in your practice, or, simply, to do you harm, and so on. It is not in part, but it is totally instinct, representative of your species; you have not ceased to be animals to begin to be the tacit proof of beings endowed with intelligence of your own planet.
In short, you are an object of study of your own, although your methods are abhorrent to me.

Administrator's dream:

It comes from the last living planet of Orion's Arm, located in the Milky Way; from a small system of nine planets with numerous comets and asteroids, orbiting their star which their ancestors nicknamed Inti, Ra, Ah Kin, Tonatiuh, Helios or Shamash, which mean "Sun" in our language. I am intrigued by its forms and its high intellect capacities, but it lives in a world devastated by wars that originate among its peers for the most trivial causes. The Earth, where it comes from, and the same planet I'm talking about, before being devastated by corpses of all kinds of species that can be found in a fertile and very propitious place for life, was, as I tell you, a place similar to the paradise of this image: (points to the sharp color image that levitates on the table). I don't know how I'm going to get it out of there without generating questions and restlessness among those beings. I fear that when we get there and get her to accompany us, she is too old to endure the process of rejuvenation to which we will expose her.

How infantile she was when she read Aesop's fables by herself. She was tempted like some by the myth of Homer's Iliad, and abstracted epic battles between gods and titans with the Theogony of Hesiod. He could have alerted people like a dog, like Diogenes of Synopsis, the Cynic himself, but he did not. He almost abandoned it, cursed everything and took refuge in a cave surviving from the roots, just as Shakespeare's misanthropic Athens Timon did. It impressed Nietzsche himself, Zarathustra's homonym, when he found himself on the top of that mountain for ten years; as Lord Byron's Manfred did when he experienced that absolute solitude. He joked and ironized everyone as Alcibiades used to do, especially when he got serious. He dialogued like Socrates himself; he learned from him and philosophized like Plato and Aristotle. He was also present as a scholastic in full rebirth, as a Spinoza or Leibniz himself. He perceived the good through wisdom and mastery of the soul as a stoic, as Zenon himself, or, if you wish, as the great Seneca. It was dogmatic at times, yes, but he also came to understand as Kant that this was the position that cultivates metaphysics without first having examined the capacity of human reason for cultivation; stopping with good criticism in semiotics, leaving a glimpse of a certain skepticism later, at most, as Pyrrhon. Such was the treatment he was able to maintain with the Devil himself, as the good of Goethe's Faust.
I, as a good quixotic character, love her.

The administrator's nightmare:

I had arrived at the corner or crossroads of 45th and Roosevelt. when in the park I saw an old woman bending down to feed several street kittens. My heart shrank, days ago, to see a video on Youtube of a boy. giving a kick so strong to a cat that threw her into the air, while others laughed, even the one who immortalized the hard scene with the mobile. There were children playing in the park, what impressed me was that they were from many different ethnic groups, you could tell by their skin, hair and eyes. Not many meters from there, in an adjoining building. you could hear the voice of an ecstatic gentleman and a lady in the midst of blind and unbridled anger. one with the other and vice versa. I approached the boys surprising myself that they were not paying attention to them, while one had a cockroach in his hand. the others looked down towards an anthill from which a multitude of ants came out and entered, then, he dropped it next to the hole and covered it with a transparent plastic tupper. That entity to which everything in swarm owed life, the Almighty, made fall a great female, massive in size with respect to them. They decided to attack not to defend themselves but because the colony of ants was hungry. They paralyzed the gigantic victim who, to my surprise, was pregnant. They had not finished immobilizing it when suddenly it began to expel a larval sac full of living beings. Was this what the children wanted? I almost threw up right there, I ran home through Roosevelt. The rules were in place, they had given us all a board and a token, but this wasn't the way to spend them, I thought to myself.

From a distance I could see it, it reached the point where I was, in front of that Starbucks. Something or someone was looking for without haste and without pause, walked slowly on the sidewalk. Having arrived just three steps away from me, I did not doubt it, I asked him if he was looking for someone. At that moment, I was delirious, my fragile brain didn't doubt it, I had it for the first time at my side, I thought it was Death. At that moment I should have woken up from the astral projection in which I had plunged to the depths of my soul.
It was in front of me, a jump off the ground. It was a winged form on my sepulchre, from which he penetrated me with his gaze, I avoided it and directed mine towards the ground which I saw plagued with larvae. Suddenly, he spread his wings and began to utter diabolical prayers invading my horror and an inexplicable aversion, while desperation took possession of his deprecation, begging in infrahuman language. Thus the dead of that cemetery began to rise, enveloped in flames; in the distance, the howls of canines seized the confusion. I stirred and escaped, grabbing as much as I could to what was closest to me, I could feel the skin adhering to the frozen tombstones. I felt the omnipresents directing their empty orbital cavities at me, also as they pointed to me with their phalanges in the darkness. From the crypts bats were fleeing in terror, and the parenchyma of those bodies, not dead at all, was slipping, so it was as if the stupefied trees were exuding amber at the sight of that picture. Dementia took over my faculties, brutal images of punishments, tortures came to my mind; the saw, the trough... Morbid and sadistic entertainment of a torturer or an executioner. I saw them, a panoramic view in liquid red shades, claws moving along a path of bones; bodies impaled in long puddles bleeding to death; quadrupeds in the nauseating green mud crawling; haunted totems of living heads. From their feet they crept silently in their own venom serpents; whispers in unison appealing to demons in prayers of dead tongues. The wind went mad desperate and frigid, cutting. From the swampy swamp came a rotten smell, exhaled to its last breath.
Suddenly I awoke in a shrill, overwhelming scream. Overwhelmed by the roar of thunder and blinded by blinding lightning, I superimpose myself making a superhuman effort; flooded with adrenaline in bed as I look away, through the window of my room (I was at home), as the sun sets preceding the twilight of this contemptible winter night. An image that comforts me in silence, as I accompany it with a deep cry that would overwhelm the very reader of this text.

Then... That feminine voice, half human half robotic, appeared in the meeting of those demigods also called Homo Deus:

-To find it is a priority, we must spare no effort in its search. He objected to Strong Artificial Intelligence.

-That's right. He added the demigod Zeus.

-Then we'll deal with the revolts later, when it's safe. said the demigoddess Athena.

-So be it. The demigod Ares sentenced.

With these words the meeting was concluded and the technician, trembling in his phalanx, pressed a button that quickly cut off communication with the emissary who would personally take care of the work.

Meanwhile, hidden in that cubicle, the administrator thought to himself:

- An intelligent and beautiful woman would have sufficed, and would have formed an unparalleled and deadly family.

Between images and audio of culminating moments of the human being in the past, Pandora tried to determine if that subject was a human or a cyborg, by means of the types of valid processes to obtain rational results with which time has been programmed its software and integrated the following five types:

Execution of predetermined response by input (Analogous to reflex acts in living beings).
Search of the required state in the set of states produced by the possible actions.
Genetic algorithms. (Analogous to the evolutionary process of DNA chains).
Artificial neural networks. (Analogous to the physical functioning of the brain of animals and humans).
Reasoning through formal logic. (Analogous to human abstract thought).

On the other side of that great room no effort was spared in the computation of the states that exhibited certain chaotic behavior by means of the known Lorenz equations; at the same time, a robotic voice dictated by means of a subprocess the following: the perturbative calculation of the matrix S is allowed by means of Feynman diagrams in the calculation of the exponential, temporarily ordered, of the integral of the hamiltonian in the interaction image.

Cancel Logical Sequence
...Command execution authorized.
Logical strings of irrational numbers available to the user.
Rational introspective of the subject in progress.
Operational observational parameters.
Fractal arrival test.
Homeostatic equilibrium theoretically attainable.
Reorganized permanent state.
Obsolete figures.
Active data encryption.
Encrypt data on the subject of study.
Enter alphanumeric password below:
Delete uninscribed irrational sequence.
Cesar waiting time for the user.
Fractal DNA operating construct.
Reached exothermic state computation.
Disturbance calculation of the dispersion matrix.
Calculation of the temporally ordered exponential of the integral.
Analogue of the theoretically attainable sociocultural construct.
Execution time equal to or less than one nanosecond...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Genetic algorithm with an acceptable chromosomal base.
Messenger RNA participating in protein synthesis.
Active nucleus, reviewing organic parameters.
Organic cellular nanosynthesis waiting for instructions.
Telomeric reconstruction of operative biological cycle.
Latent subcellular synthesis cycle waiting for instructions.
B lymphocyte synthesizing antibodies in hypervariable region.
Isotype of anti-nuclear antibodies attacking antigens.
Psychometric endofacial construct in relative parameters.
......................................................................................................................................................................................................................Unacceptable response time.
Spatial-temporal pair as a differentiable semi-Riemannian variety.
Appreciable curvature in space-time due to metric material tensor equation.
Incomplete geodesic related to singular space-time occurrence.
Observers moving away from each other at uniform speed in the Galilean model.
Preponderant and functional organizational model.
Returning to the alphanumeric logic sequence listed in the example.
Equidistant Pythagoreanerna in cubic diophantic equation.
Elaborating three-dimensional molecular plane of carbon allotropes.
Atomic level anomaly detected in organic tissue
Proceed to digital evaluation of the specimen
