
Mostrando entradas de diciembre, 2019

Pandora 2.2 Eng. Traduction by DeepL

Pandora 2.1 Introduction His judgment will serve as a warning to many, meanwhile, this will be the object of laughter for others, whose scorn toward him will turn against them; upon whom will fall horror, anger, repression, the barbarism of entire nations. You will know that the one who has spoken is the LORD when: the fire descends and the earth ascends to heaven; the dead perish in your midst; your wives remain widows and outraged; your children remain orphans and in the hands of the invaders who will come from all parts of the world. Your laws will collapse and your homes behind; your flora will burn and your people behind; your history will capitulate and your children behind. The wicked will be caught by his work erected by his own hands. They will not get rest even as they go mad to end up perishing amidst great suffering and pain. You will know that he is the LORD when your dead meet around your houses, your houses around your palaces and, in your palaces, your idols and a